
Saturday, March 8, 2014

James household

 Train out of chairs.

 New hair cut
 Train out of boxes.
Only picture I have of Jack really looking, to bad he isn't smiling!

I   have a hard time convincing myself to blog when I feel there is nothing but the same ol' to write. The kids and I rarely leave the house except to go to church. You don't spend any money, nor have to deal with temper tantrums at stores, if you just don't leave! haha... At least it is starting to warm up. It has been in the high 50's most of this week, so, the kids and I have gotten to play in the yard. I cannot wait until Indy is bigger for shear fact that some days in this area scare me.

Jack is growing up so much. I cannot believe how much his vocabulary has grown recently. We have actual conversations now. haha. He will start singing the lyrics to songs and join in conversations. He is also getting in the lying stage. I would rather deal with a temper tantrum then lying.

Hudson is on the verge of standing. He will randomly stand up in the middle of the floor but then that is the end of it. He is hard enough to keep track of, so, I can wait. Hudson received a new hair cut. I love it! I wanted my boys to have two completely different cuts because they are completely different personalities. I also like different clothing styles on them. Hudson is a very manly man and cannot wear skinny pants. I like cargo pants on his big boned body. Where as my favorite skinny pants for Jack he just out grew. Sad day.

Ted is still doing great in school. He was one of the few D1's ( first year dental students) to be chosen to travel and participate in a school committee. I cannot remember the details. All I remember is that he will be leaving us for a weekend.

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